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Sunday, March 16, 2008

Dependence on sex "kills" the psyche

Men who constantly think and talk about sex, women not only annoying but also representatives of a strong half. But no whining from these people - Canadian researchers recently found that the dependence on sex present, most mental illness, which can be successfully cured.
According to the sexologists, the number of adult inhabitants of the planet addicted to sex, unseen ever increasing pace. Psychologists say that the sex-bias in its pool no different from the drug addicts and alcoholics, which leads to depression and uncontrolled behavior.
Various sources agree that 3-5% of the population can recognize sexoholic, with 75% of them - men. Among these people very little paedophiles - most painfully addicted to sex have a standard heterosexual, rarely - homosexual sexual conduct.
American Patrick Karns, which deals with sex the years 1980, identified four stages of the disease:
1. Sexual obsession that requires constant stimulation;
2. The creation of special erotic rituals in front of a contact to enhance sexual feelings from sex;
3. Mental dependency on such rituals and the absolute loss of control;
4. In the end - the inevitable despair and depression

It is believed that the dependence on sex linked to a specific structure of the brain, but no scientific data on this confirmed yet been received. The experts are inclined to what can be attributed to heavy sex childhood. In families sick parents never talked about sex and do not encourage the open expression of emotion, coupled with the lack of expressions of tenderness to each other.
Modern technology, particularly the Internet, only contribute to the development of painful addiction to sex.
It's no secret, if a person has once visited the dating site, then very often he would visit him and even more. The first step to recovery from dependence is the recognition of man that he is sick, and then agree on a course of treatment. Sometimes the doctor prescribe specific medications to reduce sexual attraction, but, according to doctors, these drugs are not always effective in the case of Internet-sexual thinking.